Did You?
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Monday, November 5, 2012
baby snuggles
so what a weekend! blogger and I were not getting along on Friday so I was not able to get my high five Friday post up, sorry guys. Anyways this weekend was so busy, but really relaxing at the same time. I truly did not want it to end, I got to spend the whole weekend with my guys. This never happens! The reason is because my little cousin had her wedding so hubby got to take off work on Saturday :).
Today is very bitter sweet because I have to work ALL day and will not get to see hubby or little man till tomorrow. I was hugging and kissing on little man all morning, you would think I was not going to see him for a month. I don't know why but this morning just seemed harder to let him go. I really hope this day goes by quickly. I am ready for some baby snuggles in the morning.
Today is very bitter sweet because I have to work ALL day and will not get to see hubby or little man till tomorrow. I was hugging and kissing on little man all morning, you would think I was not going to see him for a month. I don't know why but this morning just seemed harder to let him go. I really hope this day goes by quickly. I am ready for some baby snuggles in the morning.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Good bye October
Its that time of year again time to gorge ones self until they can no longer move or function. where has this year gone? I feel as if this whole year has just been a blur. back to turkey month, I myself love this time of year and can't wait to gobble up some turkey. So lets celebrate that magnificent bird this month! Fact of the day: did you know that Benjamin Franklin wanted the turkey to be the bird of the United States instead of the bald eagle? Arn't we glad that didn't happen lol..
Monday, October 29, 2012
First Halloween
we had a very busy weekend! My hubby has to work on Halloween so we wanted to find a way to celebrate a little before hand since it is little man's first Halloween. So yesterday we went out and got pumpkins for us to carve. Little man even got his very own little pumpkin, in which he played with while daddy and I did our magic on the other two. afterwards we went to the party store and fought through the drones of people to get little man an outfit that would be warm. He was going to be a tourist but in the past few days the temp has dropped a good bit and there was just no way to keep him warm in it. We wanted to get him the Hulk outfit but they were out so we went with the monkey outfit (it was the only boy outfit in his size left). It turned out great I think he is the cutes monkey there ever was.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Double double toil and trouble
Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and caldron bubble.
Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the caldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt, and toe of frog,
Wool of bat, and tongue of dog,
Adder's fork, and blind-worm's sting,
Lizard's leg, and owlet's wing,—
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.
ALL. Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and caldron bubble.
Scale of dragon; tooth of wolf;
Witches' mummy; maw and gulf
Of the ravin'd salt-sea shark;
Root of hemlock digg'd i the dark;
Liver of blaspheming Jew;
Gall of goat, and slips of yew
Sliver'd in the moon's eclipse;
Nose of Turk, and Tartar's lips;
Finger of birth-strangled babe
Ditch-deliver'd by a drab,—
Make the gruel thick and slab:
Add thereto a tiger's chaudron,
For the ingrediants of our caldron.
Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and caldron bubble.
Cool it with a baboon's blood,
Then the charm is firm and good
Fire burn, and caldron bubble.
Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the caldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt, and toe of frog,
Wool of bat, and tongue of dog,
Adder's fork, and blind-worm's sting,
Lizard's leg, and owlet's wing,—
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.
ALL. Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and caldron bubble.
Scale of dragon; tooth of wolf;
Witches' mummy; maw and gulf
Of the ravin'd salt-sea shark;
Root of hemlock digg'd i the dark;
Liver of blaspheming Jew;
Gall of goat, and slips of yew
Sliver'd in the moon's eclipse;
Nose of Turk, and Tartar's lips;
Finger of birth-strangled babe
Ditch-deliver'd by a drab,—
Make the gruel thick and slab:
Add thereto a tiger's chaudron,
For the ingrediants of our caldron.
Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and caldron bubble.
Cool it with a baboon's blood,
Then the charm is firm and good
-Witches of Macbeth-
Haloween is only a few days away and it is time to get to the heart of it all the goodies.
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for the finger foods of Halloween we have a few. how about 5 layer spiders dip, a BOOtastic pizza and pumpkin fondue. |
Friday, October 26, 2012
It's the little things that say BOO!
I find it is the little things that really make your home fun for Halloween for the kids of all ages. Here are a few I have found on the Internet that I think can really take your home from ordinary to spooky.
For a your entry way or even your main party room. This group includes spooky and kid friendly versions
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Links to above pictures: left top corner, right top corner, left bottom corner, right bottom corner |
Here are a sample of just some of the little things you can do around the house to add that creepy Halloween spirit.
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Links:, shadows on the wall, witches potions, The thing in the bathroom sorry I couldn't find a link but so easy to do with construction paper. The spider sack was a flickr picture but I found a link here with the instructions. again a lot of great stuff at Martha Stewart. |
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this fun bat chandelier is super easy by using black construction paper or cardstock, fishing string and embroidery circles. Of course don't forget your shower curtain that is one of the easiest things you can do to make a bathroom scary. Cause who is not scared of what is behind the curtain, come on. |
Now its your turn take these fun little things and and make your home say BOO!!
Thursday, October 25, 2012
say what
Have you seen these??? Be still my husbands beating heart. He would die his favorite candy is candy corn and his favorite cookie is oreos.. Seriously this is the perfect thing for him.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
gobling and ghouls
Halloween post #2.
Today lets talk about decorating for Halloween outdoors. Whether you want to go all out or just a little things here or there I think we will have a few ideas for you today. note some of these pictures are my own and some of these are going to be from the Internet. If they are the Internet I will try and provide the link. Lets Begin...
Ideas from the web:
Today lets talk about decorating for Halloween outdoors. Whether you want to go all out or just a little things here or there I think we will have a few ideas for you today. note some of these pictures are my own and some of these are going to be from the Internet. If they are the Internet I will try and provide the link. Lets Begin...
First you want to start with what your guest will see first.. the yard.
This was a few years back at my sister's house we made a graveyard to greet people. This was super easy we just got some thick foam board and cut shapes of the tombstones, painted them and used dowel rods to stick them the ground.
and of course you have to have a jack'o lantern
Ideas from the web:
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oh Martha Stewart so smart in crafting show me your ways- by using poster board cut into scary shadows and place them in your windows you will have one of the spookiest houses on the block. |
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Martha schools again with making ghosts out of cheese cloths to hang in your trees. instruction here There are tons of possibilities for decorating your yard. I recommend first to decided what kind of yard your family would like Kid friendly or scary. Once you have agreed upon that decided your budget $-$$$. Even with a small budget you can make your house a must see in the neighborhood. need more ideas I recommend pinterest, there are plenty of creative ideas on there to get your juices flowing. Now get to it and have a spooktastic time decorating your yard. |
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Good Evening Mr. President.
Halloween is just around the corner and I have decided to do a few post on Halloween activities.
Have you picked out your costumes? I have to be honest I don't know if I will have time to dress up, but little man will. He is going to be an old man tourist, Hawaiian shirt and all.
In my own experience the home made costumes are the most fun. First off I can try to be original and second they usually don't cost as much money. That is a win win in my book. If you are like me and wait till the last minute to get a costume and like to make them home made, look no further I have decided to provided you with a list of options. I am even including some pictures of my hubby and me in some of our own home made outfits.
Have you picked out your costumes? I have to be honest I don't know if I will have time to dress up, but little man will. He is going to be an old man tourist, Hawaiian shirt and all.
In my own experience the home made costumes are the most fun. First off I can try to be original and second they usually don't cost as much money. That is a win win in my book. If you are like me and wait till the last minute to get a costume and like to make them home made, look no further I have decided to provided you with a list of options. I am even including some pictures of my hubby and me in some of our own home made outfits.
here is my hubbs and I as the orbits girl and the hulk
can you guess what we are here.... Waldo and Wenda!!
Better picture of my Wenda out fit. My friend behind me is a pregnant Juno.
Here is a picture of one of my friends dressing up as house.
here is another as a lady bug.
Other Ideas
individual costumes:
1. bunch of grapes (balloons attached shirt and pants)
2. zombies are hot this year, all you need is some make up to bring it really do dead (yes I am corny)
3. Marilyn Monroe is always a go to with girls and is easy to replicate just get a white dress, red lips and a short blond wig.
4. what girl can't turn into a bunny by just adding ears
5. throw on a leather jacket, sunglasses and bandanna and be a biker or rock star.
6. road kill- dress in all black put yellow tape down the front of you and carry a fake weapon.
couples costumes:
1. a salt and battery (make with poster board)
2. clue characters (Mr. White killed Miss scarlet in the kitchen with the candle stick)
3.Hawaiian punch- girl wears grass skirt and Lia while guy wears boxing gloves
4. jack and Jill- dress normal and just carry a pail.
5. mouse and cheese. paint whiskers, fake tail, and fake ears. cheese wears all yellow and with a marker draw random circles for holes in the cheese.
group costumes:
1. Flintstones
2. rock paper scissors
3. clue characters
4. jersey shore
6. bee hive
Really we could go on and on with this post but I think you got it. The point is to be creative. You can be anything for Halloween so why not take advantage of this fun day of duel personalities.
And may the force be with you ;)
Monday, October 22, 2012
Going for Gold!
Update on this weekends swim meet for my sister-in-law. She got 1 gold metal and 2 silver in her events. Below is a picture of her in the event she won gold. See how far ahead she was, she really did great.
After the meet we all went home and rested for a bit then we went to Gatti Town (a really cool pizza place) to celebrate with her friends. It really was a blast and can not think of a better way to spend my Saturday.
Sunday was our recovery day were we just sat around most of the day and of course watched some football. woohoo Geaux Saint!!! The only real productive thing I did yesterday was go for a run. This was my second time to run and I would say it was a vast improvement from the first. Who knows maybe I will be ready for that race next month, well at least for the smaller race.
Now it is Monday, oh Monday how I have not missed you. My body knew it was Monday and tried to make me oversleep but thanks to little man we woke up on time to his cries for breakfast. So this morning I am just trying to stay awake and make it through Monday.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Swim girl swim
Today little guy and me are going to watch his aunt compete in swimming for the Special Olympics. My sister in law is very involved with the SO and competes in swimming, bowling and a few other sports. But today we are cheering her on for swimming. I am so thankful for the SO it really is such a great organization which provides such a great service. You never know how much it effects lives till you are apart of it and I encourage everyone to try to get involved at some point. These people will touch you lives and teach you profound lessons you never expected. Go A. Swim girl Swim!!
Friday, October 19, 2012
High five it's Friday!
High Five it's Friday!!! The end of another week. Every Friday I will be participating in the high five Friday with Lauren over at from my grey desk. If you have 5 thing you would like to share from your week please link up to her blog and join us in the fun :)
1. Yay it is getting colder and I get to pull out my scarfs
2. I got to hang out with some great friends over the weekend. P.S. the little girl is my friend kelli's and it is our plan to have an arranged marriage between our two lol ;)
3. Yummm so good
4. Who wouldn't want to hang all week with this cool kid. Oh and we are about to get our first two teeth any day now!
5. Poor Winston he is back in the cone of shame. He wont stop chewing on one of his paws, which has now gotten a sore on it, so on with the cone!
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Running is my life
Okay in reality that title is the farthest thing from the truth. I am so out of shape and have not set foot in a gym since before being pregnant. Being pregnant for me was almost an excuse not to work out. No I am too tired to lift any weights, No my back hurts if I am on my feet for too long, I think I will just stay with my butt on this here couch instead. But the time has come for me to women up and get this little body back in shape and I think I have come up with just the plan to do it and secretly force all my friends to do so as well ; )... how you may be asking yourself? Well let me tell you, with training for a 5k! *shocked face enter here*...........I know this might sound like I am jumping off the deep end since I have not thought of working out in about 2 years but hear me out. The 5K I have chosen is called the reindeer run where everyone runs with bells on their shoes for Christmas. The fun aspect of this event is that after the run there is a huge snow ball fight followed by yummy coco. Santa will also be present for the kiddies and there will be Christmas lights and a firework show. Sounds fun right? Exactly! This is how I convinced my friends to join me in this adventure and training. By promising them that there will be fun to be had by all they jumped right on board. *enter evil laugh*
More pictures to come from crazy idea as it comes to pass, but for now I am trying to run :)
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Always Trying
Hi my name is Samantha. This is my blog and it is all about me trying new things... OK maybe not just new things, but it's about me always trying to accomplish something in life. I think everyone everywhere is trying to do just that. May it be trying a new hair style, a new job, trying their hand at painting or photography or just trying to start a blog like me. I hope to share with you though this blog... well my life. I hope that in return I will learn about you and the things you are always trying to do.
First off let me give you a short run down of little ol me. My name is Samantha which I know I have already stated. I am a 27 year old mother to a 6 month almost 7 month ( hold on while I have a mini panic attack. my baby is growing to fast for this little momma) little boy. He is precious, handsome, smart, cute, did I say precious yet ;). well you get it, he is my world and I am trying not to miss a moment of him growing. I am married to an amazing man who is an awesome dad. I met my husband in college in my finance class. which in turn I almost failed because little ol me was too concerned with the boy across the row than what was going on with the stock market. We were married on Aug 1, 09 in southern Louisiana. Geaux Tigers! I was born and raised in a little town outside of Baton Rouge and I love living in Louisiana. The culture here is amazing! if you have never been to southern Louisiana I beg you go to the airport and buy you a ticket immediately. ... are you out the door yet? no? OK well just do yourself a favor and get down here asap because it is awesome here.
I am excited for this venture into the blogging world and I hope that you enjoy the journey we are about to take. I can't wait to meet new people that I hopefully will call dear friends. I would just like to give a shout out to one of my favorite bloggers who has helped me get the courage and helped point me in the right direction with this blog, Lauren over at From my grey desk. If you have never read Lauren's blog please go check her out. She is great and I am happy that I have been able to converse back and forth a bit with her while trying to get my blog off the ground. Thanks Lauren!
First off let me give you a short run down of little ol me. My name is Samantha which I know I have already stated. I am a 27 year old mother to a 6 month almost 7 month ( hold on while I have a mini panic attack. my baby is growing to fast for this little momma) little boy. He is precious, handsome, smart, cute, did I say precious yet ;). well you get it, he is my world and I am trying not to miss a moment of him growing. I am married to an amazing man who is an awesome dad. I met my husband in college in my finance class. which in turn I almost failed because little ol me was too concerned with the boy across the row than what was going on with the stock market. We were married on Aug 1, 09 in southern Louisiana. Geaux Tigers! I was born and raised in a little town outside of Baton Rouge and I love living in Louisiana. The culture here is amazing! if you have never been to southern Louisiana I beg you go to the airport and buy you a ticket immediately. ... are you out the door yet? no? OK well just do yourself a favor and get down here asap because it is awesome here.
I am excited for this venture into the blogging world and I hope that you enjoy the journey we are about to take. I can't wait to meet new people that I hopefully will call dear friends. I would just like to give a shout out to one of my favorite bloggers who has helped me get the courage and helped point me in the right direction with this blog, Lauren over at From my grey desk. If you have never read Lauren's blog please go check her out. She is great and I am happy that I have been able to converse back and forth a bit with her while trying to get my blog off the ground. Thanks Lauren!
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